keskiviikko 23. toukokuuta 2012

Photos on Wednesday 23rd of May

K13 on a winch, not a very steep one, bit later it turned out to be a power failure.

Another K13 on a winch, I think I flew this one today.

The old man who comes to the airfield nearly every day, came here today in  this one.  This is a  1952 chimney sweepers  motor bike with all the kit. He said that he has got 18 different motorbikes and bicycles at his garage. I would like to tell to the Finnish readers that on weddings it is a good luck for the bride to be kissed by the chimney sweeper!

The company is still trading, the old man told me!

There is at least 2 more posting today after this one! So, do read about my today's adventures with the Chairman and the CFI!


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