tiistai 15. toukokuuta 2012

On Tuesday 15th of May 2012

Hello hello hello... this is the Dick Stratton room...

Hello, I just watched the 7th episode of the Bridge on a BBC iPlayer, the Danish detective series which have been very popular. It is really a good one.

We three computer geeks have been sitting in the Dick Stratten room the whole day, actually the boys have, not me. I went for a walk and later on walked to Marks and Spencer and back to get some food. I made a chicken stew for the supper. Had half a pint of bitter in a bar and crocheted few squares for the blanket. So, that has been our day.

Couple of guys left for Ocana in Spain for the Overseas Nationals. It has been a quiet day, of course here are lots of people working all over the place.

We also get lots of people taking their dogs for a walk around the airfield. They walk the taxiways or paths outside the airfield. Each person pays £30 per year for the privilege. There are about 100 people who have paid and they get given the gate code, which will be changed time to time. The walkers are really good, they keep their dogs in lead and don't wonder off, not the dogs or people. Part of letting Bicester people to use the airfield is to improve the relation ship between the airfield and locals. We have this huge beautiful place here, so why not let others to use it as well!

Tomorrow, on Wednesday will be a flying day! So, I will be out there and I will be reporting in the evening!

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