torstai 24. toukokuuta 2012

On Thursday, 24th of May

Hello, I just flew a fuse when I started charging the computer...

I didn´t fly today. The CFI came here this afternoon to fly with me, but the weather was not good enough. We would have needed thermals to get to 3000 ft or higher and it was murky and bad visibility, so we decided to leave it for tomorrow. We would do spins and wing drops and I will be ready to solo, said CFI. The Chairman came here this afternoon to do a motor glider trial flight and asked how did I got on today, I suppose he thought I had gone solo today.

Last week at the launch point I was talking to this about 32 old young man, who had gone around the World with his girlfriend for 18 months. He told me about their culture shock, they were using youth hostels etc which the young gap year students use. After a month they got used to the new life style. After coming back it was the culture shock again. They were watching their parents wasting money like no tomorrow! "Not buying things like that" he confirmed. They have new values, having fancy car is out of the question, just a car would do, he said. Of course in the future their attitude may change. I think I am in a same position. After living a month in a grotty caravan I have also started thinking.... Looking back into history it is not that long when homeless people would live happily in a sauna in Finland! Having a roof over one´s head has always been important in the North. Other thing is the wood burning stove, must keep the home warm.

Dr John confirmed that the Bicester locals have been know to fly naked. About 15 yrs ago a lady flew a glider with nothing on. It started in a bar and the lads collected there and then 100 pounds for the charity and she did the gig with a lady crew. No photos of course. Should I do my Silver C distance dressed as Eve?

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