tiistai 15. toukokuuta 2012

On Tuesday 15th of May

Today I went for a walk as I usually do every day if not gliding. Yesterday I found this building on the other side of the airfield. It dates from 1940. About 10 - 15 years ago local man went there with a rope and hanged himself. Later on somebody placed there a cross to his memory.

About 30 years ago in London I used to work for people who were members of a sect. I got to know many of them and learned their way of life. In one year several people committed suicide and I thought that was normal. Finland has got a very high suicide rate, nearly as high as Japan, so I am used to people hanging  or shooting themselves, that was the life in the village I come from. 

The cross is on the left near front entrance.

The shelter from the other end.

Rest in peace Paul! These cowlsips grow near the shelter.

Cowslips, typical English flowers this time of the year. There are now cowslips in Finland, too! I have sent  seeds and plants to several relatives there. 

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