maanantai 14. toukokuuta 2012

Crop spraying in Sudan in the 70ties

More photos from Norman W. Smith's photo album. There are 2 posts earlier about crop spraying and 2 articles written by Norman. He has written about Paavo Galkin, the Finnish AG-pilot. Hoping that Norman would write more about the every day life of an an AG-pilot in the seventies in Africa. I will keep you posted.

Osman, where is my beer, asks Norman in Sudan Club in Khartoum where he is spending the evening in 1982.

Hadja Assalaya, White Nile, Sudan, House boy and light industry.

Ciba Pilatus maintenance base.

Paavo resting on Pawnee struts. Safest place for forty winks  as  you never know what is crawling on a ground!

Another photo of Paavo refuelling in a cotton field, after he run out of fuel. More about in a posting published earlier.

Re-fuelling yet again.

N.S. Jaffa, Norman in the middle and P.G. Sulieman.

Hot engine will not start, so re-fuelling and re-oiling with the engine on.

Norman, Gerald, Paul and Kragh (Der 'Wiking).

Transit tourist in a Red Sea Mountains. Stopped as a tourist to take pictures.
Same as before.

New Halfa main feeder canal.

This is the real boys toy, said Norman. Rockwell S2R Thrush.

DC3 in the Libyan desert.

Swiss Miss in the sugar cane. 

Glory boy with his best toy!

DC6 died in Port Sudan.

Mig 15 Uti run out off the end of the Port Sudan.
2 more real boys toys!

Old dear Grumman AG-Cat at Sennar Blue Nile. 

Look, 8500 ft and no hands! Cessna 130 G-AZYI

A Brit went sand happy and build a house near Sennar sometime in the twenties. Nobody was  living there anymore in the seventies.

G-AZYI on a ground near Hadga-Assaly.

Rainy season, on the road and railway between Sennar and Kosti.

 Piper Aztec ST-AFI with a broken leg at Sennar sugar factory.

Photo taken from the Pawnee. Small village somewhere in Sudan. Home sweet home. Everything is the colour  of the sand.

Chemicals came in 200 litre drums. Tokar.

Der Wiking and Chuck Bartos at New Halfa.

Sugar cane on route to the sugar sack.

Ran out of: fuel, height, speed and ideas at the same moment - pilot, a Canadian lost the tip of his left hand little finger only! 

Another angle.

Another angle.

Threshing dura in Darfur.

Bilharzia. Spraying in the Gizera Sudan. Pilatus Porter.

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