perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012

On Friday 25th of May

Has been hot, sunny and very windy! We did about 60 launches today. I did 3. I flew with the CFI, thermals were rubbish, so we did launch failures, one was landing ahead and second I could do a circuit, third one was marginal, whether to land ahead or do a circuit, so we turned to the right and landed halfway across the field in a strong cross wind. It was a good learning day, wind was really strong, the wind sock was flying horizontally.

Then I walked to the town to get money and food. We have a pudding night tomorrow evening, which is a small starter and several pudding to taste.

The caravan is starting to feel like a home!!! I have been clearing there so I have more space. I still have the suitcases on a sitting area on a seats. The caravan has dried now quite nicely, so feels better. Past 2 nights I have not even had hot water bottles to go to bed with as all the other nights! I may not even return to the bunk house on Monday, lets see. Of course it is nice to go there after watching telly until 11pm or 11.30pm, rather than walking down the Millioners Row until the end which is more like a Skid Row.

The Bunk rooms are in the same building with the bar!

I am hoping to go solo this weekend. I'd better get up early tomorrow morning, so I will get my name on top of the flying list.

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