lauantai 19. toukokuuta 2012

On Saturday, 19th of May

Winch launch day again...

This morning when we were ready for the first launch, the winch driver called and said that she needs to go and refuel the winch, so off she went to do just that. Nobody told her that the fuel gauge reads read all the time. An hour later the launch point bus had to return to the base to refuel the gas. And the internet connection has been down since last night until few hours ago. And my lap top mouse froze last night, thanks for the help I got it going! I cannot imagine life without internet and I think nor would you!!!

The winching started off slowly and was slow the whole day, but we did over 70 launches anyway. My turn to fly was getting further and further, so I crocheted only 3 squares! I am trying to keep crocheting and launch point separate, in a launch point it is better to focus on gliding. I finally got to fly with Vicky, who is about 20 years of age and has done over 2000 launches! She is brilliant. Nobody has mentioned earlier about the importance to do stalling and spinning, but Vicky raised the issue. The cloud base was too low so we ended up doing more launch failures. We did a very low one, which only the instructor demonstrates and the student does not repeat it. It was just few meters high and it was good to see how it feels. Vicky could only use very little air brake, we were forever floating on a ground effect, so with that little brake we got the ship down. Second launch failure was bit higher, but even so we were able to land straight ahead. Third one was at 500ft so I was able to fly a circuit. Vicky is a brilliant instructor, so full of beams. Hopefully I would get to fly with her tomorrow.

We spent lots of time practise launch failures and for a reason. The winch launch happens so quickly and the glider nose is pointing up in a high angle, so if the launch fails, one must lower the nose immediately to gain enough speed to make a safe landing.

Tonight I am in a bar, of course, as usually every night, you see, I am here to get to know the people!

Here in a bar, an instructor gave me a very good idea, which is to get weights of my own to be ready for the solo! I need at least 18kg to solo. The club weights are all 11kg, so I need extra kg's. Vicky introduced me to the man who might have some lead.

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