Very strong wind, sun shining... I went to the launch point hoping to get some winch launches, but in the afternoon the winch broke down big time. New parts had to purchased and Charlie came here straight from the work to fix it. I was offered an aerotow, but I did not want to do that. The flying conditions were rather difficult for the K13, of course would have been good to fly but.... So, instead I spent time in a launch point talking to people and crocheting. I have nearly finished the bag. I prefer not to do too much crocheting at the launch point as it's much better to muck in.
Today when I sat in a launch point bus there were group of people (golden oldies) talking with loud voices about all their (gliding) friends who had recently died and there were many of them! I think that is a topic not to brag about specially when there are young people around! And I must say that I am not that keen to hear too much about that either. Let's hang on to life. I know perfectly well that I may live further 25-30 years, but would it be better to talk about all the exiting new challenges what we golden oldies still have ahead of us. And what about growing old gracefully? Even better to grow old disgracefully? That would be something to talk about. And even better, growing old very, very, very disgracefully! Just think of all the lovely sins we have not yet done!!!
View from the launch point towards the hangers and the club house. |
Glider waiting for an aerotow |
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