There is another day tomorrow and day after...
Guess what, it is raining! It started raining sometime at 7pm. Back to British Summer. Today I did 4 winch launch failures, of which the instructor did 2 and I did the next 2. There will be plenty of those this week end and the week after. I am getting there and I feel very much confident now that I would be ready for my winch solo soon. First just more launch failures.
I am back at the caravan for the next 9 nights. A assistant instructor course starts tomorrow morning so all the bunk houses are full. Lucky me, looks like I can live in the bunk house the whole June!!! The bunk house is not a palace, but at least there is space around the bed! It is the lack of space that makes so caravan life so damn difficult. And then this weather. Raining again.
All my relations, who thought that I am out of my mind about the idea spending the Summer in a caravan, yes, I must admit you were right! You are absolutely right!!! "What do you know", I thought back then! You are right. This is a tough life, so tough, at times I have been thinking of quitting. But there again, what would I do? Return to Finland and continue winch launches in East-Finland and avoiding Russia. Russian border is just 30km from the airfield and really a no-go!!! And flying fire spotting missions in a Cessna from the airport, which is 50km from the gliding airfield. Both fine, but the season is so short, it all starts finishing beginning of August.
There is another day tomorrow. I live one day at the time. This is my 18th day here at Bicester so far and it feels like a life time, has felt like that all that time!
I am not moaning, honestly I am not....
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