tiistai 22. toukokuuta 2012

On Tuesday 22nd of May, second posting

Hello again! At midday I had my moaning, that is the first posting of today below this one.

In the morning looked like us club members would not get to fly today, so I came here to the club house and moaned to the blog! There is this assistant instructor course here this week and they have taken at least 3 gliders and 3 instructors and top of that the whole day has been booked for the Group-on trial flights, every single day from morning till evening it is just those. Until yesterday I have been so lucky, that I managed to get at least 3 flights if it has been a flying day, but yesterday no way and this morning looked like that again. I went to the office to book a slot, but the next 2 weeks are fully booked with trial flights! After lunch I went back to the launch point, the CFI (The Chief Flying Instructor) had arrived and was already flying one of the club members. So I was the third on line for him.

And I got my flight! And we flew 37 minutes, he was teaching me how to thermal, to keep the speed just 40 or tiny bit over for thermalling, it was not easy to find lift, not very good ones, but we managed to get over 2000 feet and we did 2 spins. First he showed me how to do it and then I did one myself. We did lots of other things, too, such as wing drops and recoveries. He wanted me to do the perfect landing, but I did not hold it off long enough to get marks 10 out of 10! I am anyhow very pleased with my flight and so was the CFI.

I saw the Bicester Village from the air! It is very near the town! So, my sisters and cousin, when you come to visit me we can just walk there and back! And of course you will stay in the caravan, if that is not good enough, then there is the ladies bunk room! If it is good enough for me, then it will be good enough for you, too! Haahhaahhaahaahaa....

There were 74 launches today, including the aerotows.

In a launch point bus there is a bottle of sun lotion! I think that is a pretty good idea, so many people just forget to bring some with them.

Do read the the posting below, my morning moaning! In the end I had a pretty good day! Got my spins, which I were after and flew with the CFI.

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