tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

Second posting on Tuesday, 5th of June

I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and took some photos. Have a look at the today's first posting, which you will find after this one.


I found some orchids. I don't know which  one this is.  I have not seen this one before. Must find out.

This one is one of 5 holders in a area, where during the war aircraft was tied down to the  tarmac. Around the airfield there are still few of them. There is a photo of the round area after some flower photos.

Would someone like seeds of this flower in a months time?

The same plant as before.

Another white plant, the flower is a simple one. Seeds for anyone?

The plant as before.

Hellebore and seeds ripening.

This one is a beautiful grass. Has got tiny, tiny strong pink flowers. I sent these seeds to Kaija.

Same as before.

Here is the wartime round area where an aircraft was tied down to those 5 handlers.

Dead crow in a airfield.

Coming back to the launch point from the walk. You can see the blue bus, cars and a K13 glider.

Getting nearer the launch point bus.

In front of the hanger there was a car which I am sure belongs to the pilot! Have a guess how do I know?

The hanger on the power aircraft side.

A chock in the corner of the hanger. There are always 2 of these , we park the aircraft  by placing these in front of the tyres, so the aircraft will not start rolling.

                                           Have a look at the today's first posting, too.

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