lauantai 16. kesäkuuta 2012

Saturday, the 16th of June 2012

I have been hiding the past 5 days! I have been in a place outside of the gliding and flying. And I must say that living in a real house with plenty of space, toilets, bath, kitchen and other home comforts has been absolutely fantastic! But tomorrow morning I shall return to my Summer camp at Bicester airfield.

And I will enjoy it!

I think I must cherish the experience, which I think we all should do it sometime in our comfort life time. But the comfort of an ordinary life is too much for any of us to leave, only one can leave if one must, for a what ever reason.

I think I have already learned a lot. And never ever I will take a house living granted.

Must admit that it has been a hard experience, specially because of the weather. It is no fun living in a caravan when it is raining day after day. The Dick Stratton room has become a rescue center.

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