lauantai 30. kesäkuuta 2012

Saturday, the last day of June, my birthday looming in a horizon...

Horribly windy! Sun shining but so, so windy! Also I am bit tired after the cold I had last week. Tomorrow I shall fly the Astir. Must wake up early, I am not the only one for it during the weekend!

This morning I was asked if I could edit the Club News letter which comes out in every 2 months. Without hesitation I said Yes! And why not, the fact that I cannot speak, nor write or spell English is not here or there! Just a minor detail! Don´t you think so, too?

I may or may have not mentioned earlier that this gliding club is full of dogs! Seems to be a dog lovers club. We even have 2 dog baskets in a bar and the bar is full of dogs in the evenings! Dogs here dogs there, just like the Old McDonalds farm!

And not just that, also the number of cigarette smokers is very high. Nothing to do with the dogs, though! Although many dog owners do smoke!

They brought in the kit at 4pm when it finally started raining. I went to the launch point at 10am and helped to bring another K13 to the launch point and had a cup of tea, then decided to spend the day writing etc. I have been writing my short story. Rather slow progress but it is coming on slowly...

perjantai 29. kesäkuuta 2012

Friday, the second last day of June 2012

BGA has done lots of work reducing the number of winch launch accidents with good results. But what about the winches? I got to know that for example at Mynd they have a scissor type of cable cutting device on a winch. The Mynd they had a fatality when the winch device could not cut the cable when it caught the cable and it dragged the glider to the ground. So, after that they got the new device which they also check every 29 days. But here is the guillotine which may not cut the cable when needed! It has not been tested said an instructor an hour ago! Must find out more about it... first of all is all that true!

torstai 28. kesäkuuta 2012

Second posting on Thursday, in the evening...

Planning the Long Mind trip, I may arrive there already on Thursday and will stay the whole time until the very end. Will be fun. I already wrote about the Mind Olympics a few days ago, if you like to learn a bit more about the great happening, do scroll down the postings. It will be a great week!!! Looking forward to it!!!

Felt so unloved again tonight! At 6pm in a bar Mike asked the winch driver if he would like to join them for the curry night out, he said no thank you, other plans. So I asked who is going, Mike just sort of cut it short and said 15 of us and turned his back on me! F... hell! Why the winch driver is better than me? Mike has always been very good to me, arranged me to fly at the launch point and everything but...

I am surviving, I feel like a human! Of course I am still under the cold, but on the way getting better!

First posting on Thursday, 28th of June

I think I will survive! This is the 4th day in my sick bed, I have been avoiding people, I didn't want to spread my cold around! Today I felt specially horribe, I was so tired the whole day. I didn't even have the strength to walk to the launch point, so I got my baguette from the sand witch van when it arrived at the at the office. Then I got a blanket and rested on a grass in the sun for 3 hrs. At 4pm I started feeling that I am getting better. At 5pm I got the hoover and hoovered the bunk room and had a shower! I am surviving!!!

keskiviikko 27. kesäkuuta 2012

Wednesday, 3rd posting, Orchids around the airfield

Lot of this kind of flowers growing around the airfield, specially on a tarmac.

Launch point.

I found lots of orchids, protected one.

Another kind of orchid.

I think this one is the same as earlier one, but brighter colour.
I am feeling lousy, bit of headache, I am drinking lots of water and resting. Nothing else I can do. I will not be able to fly tomorrow, but never mind, the weather is not that brilliant anyhow.

On Wednesday, the second posting

I rested the morning, horrible cold, feeling terrible, at midday walked to the launch point for a baguette for lunch, the sandwich van arrives at 12.30pm. Stayed there for an hour, the man in charge showed me a strob, weak link, which I had broken last time I flew the Astir and pulled too hard. I asked the instructors that how my winch launches are, because nobody had said anything. -You are getting better, was the answer with the laughter!!! Next time I will ask the instructor lot to watch me, when I launch and give me feed back. Anyway, they said, that if nobody had said anything, then there has not been need to say anything.

I will walk now to the other side of the airfield and try to find protected orchids! I have seen some orchids already on a airfield. I will take some photos, so do watch out.

On Wednesday

The course instructors have taken the kit to the launch point, I am in a Dick Stratten room after my porridge, red currants and cup of tea. I don't feel well, it's the cold. Headache and muscular pain, feel like being beaten. Last night I went to the bed before 9pm. I was so tired.

tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2012

Second posting or is it third already today on Tuesday?

This morning I walked to the launch point for lunch. The butty wagon comes there 12.30pm, so I got a egg and ham french loaf. I was tired, has been the whole day. I have got a cold. After that I had a half an hours rest and after that has been writing. I started the column and I have a lovely idea for writing, a real column. I still have a month to write, but it is good to start well before. I have been crocheting some squares this evening and soon I will go to bed. I am dead tired. 

They flew today until it started raining at 12.30pm. Since then has been raining once in a while. 

Tomorrow should be bit better. If I am tired like this I will not fly. 

Good Night!

The first posting on Tuesday, the 26th of June

I feel bit miserable, I have got a cold. I will not fly today, will be a resting day.

The Astir parked in between my flights yesterday. Astir does not get used much during the week, so it will be more or less my glider this Summer.

Justin and Gillian came to Bicester yesterday, Justin flew the whole day and Gillian went to Bicester. In the evening they went back to Mike's place. Our comp pilots did 100km flights yesterday, their aim was to fly it twice, but only managed one round and one of them was very very marginal to get to the airfield. He made it, but only just. They were talking how Justin just flies...

Justin and Gillian and Antares I.

maanantai 25. kesäkuuta 2012

The first posting on Monday, 25th of June

Oh dear, it's 10.10pm on Monday night and I am the last one in a bar and I have got a cold! Started tonight.

Let me tell you about my great or not so great day! I had 5 flights in the Astir, with the GPS and LNav on. 3 first flights were just up and down, the fourth one I stayed 17 min and then I had a rest. I decided to have a hanger flight and stayed up 38 minutes, just hanging on and on and on.... and did a hanger landing in the end. After I got the Astir to the hanger I walked the GrobAcro to the hanger. Rosie had her first 2 flights in K8 and we put that to the hanger. Then we went to the bar, I had 2 pints of water. We had a good conversation going on, others were dropping out and in the end there were 3 of us, until after 9pm couple of pilots came in after having a flight in a motor Falke. So 5 of us stayed in a bar until 10pm, then everybody else went home and I went to the kitchen to warm some soup, I must eat, I do not want to lose any more weight! I had my beef stew, which I have eaten since Saturday, still one more portion for Tuesday. So, I am on my own here now.

I had a slight problem with the GPS! Yesterday afternoon when I was fiddling with it, the display went all horizontally and nobody could solve the problem at the launch point until I got hold of Mike, who after few minutes did it!

Justin and Gillian arrived here this morning and rigged their glider and Justin flew the whole day and landed late afternoon and off to Mike they went.

I heard that Steve Jones has pulled out from the Worlds in USA. I also heard lots of Ralph Jones stories in a bar tonight. He was a legend, he really was, and with a big soft warm heart.

I will down load some photos tomorrow. Should be showers and sun tomorrow. I need to wash my hair in the morning, it has been days since I had a shower, here it does not really matter, do we stink or not.

Sleep tight possums!

sunnuntai 24. kesäkuuta 2012

The second posting on Sunday...

I am not just a pretty face! I have been practising the GPS and the LNav. There were a young glider pilot guy in the hanger checking his glider after a land out and he was so helpfull! All I needed was to get started, then I practise by myself. After a while Roger Wilson and Chris Palmer came in and we had a good session, about an hour. There were something we could not understand. When I had HUS on the GPS, the LNav had funny figure on it, 58.9km in GPS, but LNav showed 31.8. Anyway, we decided that I should be using the GPS for navigating and the LNav for distance and average climb. Roger has got a LNav but his is much more advanced that the one in the Astir. Now I am ready to start practising when I fly next time! Brilliant!!! Wow! Got somewhere today!

Only one glider flew today, VE which is the GrobIIAcro and only one flight. It was very windy and then it rained in the afternoon for a while. Chris Palmer ahd brought the Astir out and left it in the front of the hanger, which I brought in with Richard Chapman, when it started raining. Tomorrow should be better, so I will fly Astir and practise the GPS and LNav. I will set it to go to Bicester so it will show the home airfield all the time.


Evening is beautiful, I spent the late afternoon and early evening in a bar, just drunk water. Lots of discussions there about the club. Then I went for a walk around the airfield, 35 minutes, rather warm and sunny.


Looks like tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday would be good!

Mike, the field manager and another club member are watching football on a telly, Tony, the bar manager is chatting with the weekday winch driver in a bar and I am sitting on a sofa in the middle part of the long room and writing on the computer. There is nobody else here, there is a small gathering in a caravan park, BBQ.

The first posting on Sunday 24th of June

A poster on a bar notice board. Gliding olympics at Mynd. OJ and Debbie are going. I will look into, that would be interesting to go there and stay at least few days, or even the whole time. A good photo opportunity and something for the column! Let´s see who else is going, so I could get a lift. I think earlier somebody was collecting a group to go there.

OJ found a big mushroom on a airfield yesterday and brought it to the bar. He said that he and Debbie are going to eat it on Sunday morning!

Another view of the mashroom. Coin on a mushroom, 20 pounds note and a bottle of beer to compare the size! It is not a field mushroom, something edible anyway. I saw Debbie and OJ this morning walking so it has been edible! Also I in the kitchen I saw somebody else eating a mushroom, the same kind but lot smaller!

lauantai 23. kesäkuuta 2012

Second posting on Saturday night, nearly mid night

11.45pm and just a few words before going to bed. Raining. I did not fly today, too windy, was better at midday, but I walked to the town to post some bulbs to Asta. Not light bulbs but flower bulbs.

Heard lots of stories in a bar tonight... staying in a bar it's very educating! Stories from the years gone by... getting to be part of the gang.

The first posting on Saturday 23rd of June

Power aircraft arrived today at Bicester and set up a banner on a field and  picked up. This is the message. The first photo is without the first letter, should be Mike.... cannot get the staff to with photo taking skills....

Wind sock, it was a very windy day....

The flying log, nearly 60 launches today.

On windy Saturday morning 23rd of June

How are you Finns getting on with your Midsummer's Eve celebration preparations?

Howard Jones spent the evening here in a bar last night with the local pilot Luke Roberts. He had the 6 glider trailer with him. I overheard him saying that he will be departing 10am this morning. The bar was not busy last night, only the usual suspects and few others.

Last weeks local papers reported about the forthcoming sale of the airfield by MOD, but it will not be sale yet,  in the Autumn yes.

The same week the Bicester Advertiser also reported the same news...

perjantai 22. kesäkuuta 2012

Fourth posting on Friday... back being on organic flyer?

I got the battery and went to the internet to get the CarminGPSIIPLUS manual, got it but after sitting in a glider for 20 minutes, I gave up. It did not make any sense what so ever. I really need somebody just to give me some idea. I will ask around. LNav was even more defeating. I absolutely haven't got a glue. Must I go back to being organic glider pilot? Organic glider pilot is somebody who just flies without any modern aides. Just with the broom.

Third posting on Friday

I was told why the GPS doesn´t work, it needs a battery!!! In my second posting I complained that it did not work, bloody thing!!!
Couple of days ago I complained about the under wired bra which was hurting my chest and pressing my ribs, because the parachute metal bits were pressing hard top of the bra wires.

The problem area of the under wired bra!

By the way, I passed the medical on Wednesday. I had to get my medical at Birmingham, because the only aviation medical doctor at Bicester was fully booked until 8th of July when I started making the appointment a few weeks ago. My medical runs out on the 4th of July.

Second posting today on Friday

I went for a walk around the airfield after it stopped raining. It took 40 minutes to walk around the taxiway. Then I went to the glider to start getting familiar with the GPS, but could not switch it on!!! I dunno how. Must wait for somebody to tell me the secret!!!

Astir in a hanger

The GPS on the right, Flarm on top, LNav in the evening on a top row.

On Friday, 22nd of June 2012

It is raining... I will add some photos bit later on... this is going to be the Summer!!! I am going to be the happiest old girl at Bicester airfield!!!

In the afternoon I will sit in a Astir and try to get my head around the GPS and the Lnav. Will take photos...

And you Finns, don´t drown or get run over this weekend. It´s the Midsummer weekend and lots of people get killed one way or another, because it´s the biggest celebration on the Summer! Lots of drinking, being merry etc.... Nothing to do with TV series Midsummer Murders, even that the results are the same.

keskiviikko 20. kesäkuuta 2012

On Wednesday, 20th of June

Hello, this morning I checked the Astir in Bicester hanger, got the battery and the parachute and loaded with my cushions. Then got somebody to help me to take it to the launch point, which today was the nearest runway, so was not far. I asked if Mike would brief me, he pointed out to David, who in turn pointed out to poor John. He came to me and said, that he and David tossed a coin and he lost, so he will briefe me! Ok, John, I lost, too!!! John, I know you have sense of humor! I had 3 winch launces, the weather was not exactly booming, after my second flight the big boys took off from the aerotow site, bit further from us. Some big boys who took a winch launch landed back, so it was just not me. 

I did not remember how brilliant the Astir is. It has got a main wheel, which comes in for the flight - the idea is to remember to put it out before joining the circuit. John said that if I forged and realize on the final, I should leave and not to mess up the landing. Somebody, a lady instructor had stalled the glider from the considerable height and hurt her spine very badly. I looked under the belly, and yes, it had lots of  deep scratches! We have a grass field, so it should not be that bad outcome. Of course lots of beer in a bar for everybody! 

Then I really got worried, when John started telling me how easily it goes into a spin. And specially with a light weight pilots, it turns upside down, very nasty. And I am not sure how to recover from that! John said, that the pilot will not be able to see the horizon. I got really worried and considered running away and hiding under the bus. I have always thought that Astir is a pussy cat. I have flown at least 2 different ones. And never ever thought anything about the spinning, perhaps the Astir Jeans was a bit different cup of tea, I dunno. So, after briefing I got somebody to help me to put on line and off I went with the winch. It behaved beautifly, was pleasure to fly it. The only thermal was top of the winch so I could not stay there and then I did not met any lifts at all. So I went to land, as I had had no time to put the under carriage down, so did not need to worry about that. Landing was fine, I did not remember how nose up it swims in the air. I went up  more times and then took it to the hanger. There were nobody else to fly it. 

Then I went to the launch point to thank Alan and John for briefing, John was not there, so John, thank you for the briefing! 

Astir have got a GPS and a Flarm! I must learn to use the GPS. It will be very helpfull when flying bit further from the airfield.

This morning I looked at the yesterday's log sheets and my fourth flight had been 3hrs and 50 minutes!

tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2012

On Tuesday, 19th of June

Hello!This is the second posting today. I had a moan at lunch time, do read it, it is below this posting.

I will tell you now about the time after lunch. I was ready for the launch after 2pm. The launch started, but it went wrong. I got a power failure and it was a very low one. So I started lowering the nose and then released. I did not need to use the brakes, I only pushed the stick slightly down wards, only after floating on a ground effect I opened the brakes just tiny bit and got the baby down.

On a launch point the field manager told me that I coped well with the situation.

So, then I had the 4th attempt to get away. That was a good launch and I got about 1450ft. And guess what, I stayed up! In the end I came to land at 6.18pm. The flying log is already in the office which is locked, so I could not have a look at my take off time. I think I flew about 3 hrs. I was the last club glider to land and landed quite near the hanger. The highest was 5700ft, mostly I stayed at 5500ft. 1000ft is about 300m. It was a good flight and towards end of the flight, I started turning steep enough!!!

I was wearing sandals, so I got bit cold. Also I could not get my favorite weight, somebody else got there first. So I had the bit lumpy one and it started bothering me a bit, also the strap buckle was bit too high and the parachute buckle under it too high, and my bra wires in the middle were pressing to hard to my ribs, And the pretty flower bra decoration, did not help, as it was just under all those buckles! I felt that if I did a hard landing I could break several ribs in my chest.

I was watching Didcot for for 3 hrs! I could see it so clearly. And it is the real Didcot.

Tomorrow I will start flying the Astir. This morning there were 3 of us wanting to fly the K8. So in the end the they flew K13. The guy who flew the K8 this morning flew on of the K13.

I had a good day!!!

19th of June, Tuesday

Damn, it's a winch driver's lunch break and no launched until after 2pm. I have already fallen off the sky twice! So humiliating, you see this morning at 10am I had the K8 to fly but I did not want it, because I wanted to stay up. So, early solo pilot comes for his first flight in K8 an hour later and stays up 2 hrs! So humiliating.... I will have another go after 2pm...

Anyway, one of the instructors said that everybody else was falling of the sky same time...

maanantai 18. kesäkuuta 2012


There are 3 postings, the last one is a written report of my Monday, so look at the 2 pic ones and then the last one. By the way, this is the 4th posting today.

On Monday, 18th of June, altogether 3 postings!

The aerotow behind the 180hp Robin was exiting, it was so low, that I kept thinking that if anything goes wrong there will not be many choices to make! It was low. We just made it over the hedge. By the time I got the camera , we were already in a better height! By the way, there are 2 more postings today.

We made it!

Coming back, Bicester airfield.

Another photo.

Have landed, Nimbus wing and the launch point.

Monday, the 18th

Photos of today´s trip

Nimbus 3 wings, the wings are badly cracked. The chair man told me that they got it cheaply  because the wings are  so bad. There are I think 6 sharing the glider, registration G-OZOZ.

More cracks on a wings.

Upper Heyworth airfield.

Upper Heyward airfield.

Have landed.

Monday, 18th of June 2012

This morning I walked to the town. It takes 25 minutes to the Bicester North Railway station. And after that it takes nearly 10 minutes to walk to the town. I posted a letter to Juho and got some food. After I got home, the bunk house, I had to have a rest. I have not been needing to have a rest here at Bicester during the day, so today was a bit of a surprise. After the rest at 2pm I walked to the launch point, I started walking accros the field, a car was coming the other way and stopped, it was Dave Watt, after he saw that it was me, he said, that it´s ok, you know what you are doing!

At the launch point was the K8 ready, so I put the gable on and hold the wing tip. The glider zoomed off and when I turned round I saw the club chair man who had arrived and he asked if I wanted to come and have a flight in Nimbus 3, just for an hour. Yes, please, I said. The K8 was going to have several flights, so I was not sure if I was getting the K8 at all and the Nimbus flight was my good change to learn more about area around Bicester. So we got the glider to the launch point, the chair man was wondering whether to take a winch launch or an aerotow, he decided on an aerotow. Which was a good choise, he later remarked. It was not easy to climb. He was working hard to get some height and after that he decided to go west. We got as far as Chipping Norton, could not go any further as the sea air was coming that way and thermals were not looking good that way. He asked me if I wanted to have a go when he was in a lift, which I did. I had several go´s, but must admit, I need more practice!!! I was looking places and landmarks. After an hour we landed, the chairman needed to get home to the wife. So, that was. The K8 longest flight had been 20 minutes.

Tomorrow I will be at the airfield the whole day, no walking to the town and back, so I will drag the K8 to the launch point in the morning.

sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2012

On Sunday, 17th of June

Hi, I am back at Bicester after a 6 days of absence. I walked from the railway station this morning and on the way saw some gliders flying. That shows you the way to the airfield.

I had 3 flights in a K8. First one was 6 minutes, second 18 minutes and the last one 1 hour and 12 minutes and climbed to 4500ft. The long flight was something that I could have done better. I really need to pay attention to the clouds, think and turn tighter. I was hopeless in thermals, even that I stayed up so long. I absolutely need to use the brains. I was also looking around the landmarks and figuring out where the Weston-on-a-Green boundary is.

After writing the earlier chapter, I went to the bar. The bar is so important to get to know people. And of course the people getting to know me. Works both ways.

I am putting the positive drive on, I am making an extra effort to be happy, smiling and jolly and talk to people. I don't crochet anymore in a bar or in a launch point. I think that gave the impression that I am not interested what is going around me. Just like a granny with crochet and knitting. I crochet 2 squares today in a train, I will be posting those to Asta together with lot more sometime beginning of July.

As the weather has been so rainy, cold and miserable for a long time, it really got me depressed and unloved!!! Anyway, I feel better now and will keep my spirits up. I want to make this summer a real success!  I will beat the weather!

Today was so lovely to see the Duxford based Dragon Rapide landing here, it took some people for a flight. I managed to take only those 2 photos, I just landed and it was doing it's checks, luckily Charlie (Chapman) together another man came help me to pull the glider to the launch point, so I just ran to the bus holding the parachute (so difficult to run wearing the parachute) to get the camera and took photos while the boys dragged the glider forward. The photos are on a post below, have a look!

I am so tired! Too early to go to the bed.

I had a good day! What about you?
Maureen Dunlop de Popp, Dragon Rapide and me!!!

One of the WW2 ATA lady pilots who just died aged over 90.

Dragon Rapide visited Bicester today. I think it flew some passengers, as it flew twice. 

Taking off. What a beautiful aeroplane!

This is me 4.8.1994 panning gold in Lapland!

lauantai 16. kesäkuuta 2012

Saturday, the 16th of June 2012

I have been hiding the past 5 days! I have been in a place outside of the gliding and flying. And I must say that living in a real house with plenty of space, toilets, bath, kitchen and other home comforts has been absolutely fantastic! But tomorrow morning I shall return to my Summer camp at Bicester airfield.

And I will enjoy it!

I think I must cherish the experience, which I think we all should do it sometime in our comfort life time. But the comfort of an ordinary life is too much for any of us to leave, only one can leave if one must, for a what ever reason.

I think I have already learned a lot. And never ever I will take a house living granted.

Must admit that it has been a hard experience, specially because of the weather. It is no fun living in a caravan when it is raining day after day. The Dick Stratton room has become a rescue center.

sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

On Sunday 10th of June

Bicester village ad on the back of the bus! Me and my sisters and cousin can walk  from the caravan to the Bicester village.

Summer in UK is just like July in Finland.

We have lots of signs around the airfield!

lauantai 9. kesäkuuta 2012

The third posting on Saturday

I just checked my log book and last time I have flown it was 1st of June!!! It is a lifetime ago, almost, 8 days ago to be precise!!! Must fly tomorrow no matter what!!! K13 with an instructor, I presume!

On Saturday, the second posting!

Today I learned again something, I was reading the gliding book which said that you should not tap the altimeter, but you can tap the panel instead! I was told off tapping the altimeter couple of weeks ago. The only time I have done it here!!!

This afternoon I rushed to help to bring the glider to the launch point, as it had gone slightly too far. I went for a wing tip which was being held with a strong man, who told me that I am sexist! I am taking the easy option!

The club is employing a Thursday-Friday instructor flying the club members. Also the club is looking for other instructors. Today I heard that there are no retired instructors living nearby who could be called on duty in a short notice, other clubs have them, but not us.

Even that I did not fly today, I spent the whole day in a launch point. I feel tired now. We came back 6.30pm. It was a long day! Another one tomorrow, I presume.

Saturday evening, the 9th of June

It's 8pm, the sun is shining and it's a beautiful evening. In Lasham they will have a splendid party evening, BBQ and free beer! They have had 3 comps running side by side since last Saturday and today had been the first competition day!!! It has been raining and raining. There have been lots of land outs, 6 gliders landed here, at least one from the open class, RC. There may be comp day tomorrow as well, showers probably in the afternoon.

I didn't fly today, it was a strong gusting wind, no thermals until late afternoon. I am after K8, was too strong for that. I will fly tomorrow, I think I need to have a flight or two in a K13 first with the instructor.

It does not look good for the 2 weeks ahead! More rain. Damn. And I want to start learning to stay up and start learning the surrounding area. I want to start to practice for the 50km cross country flight, which will complete my Silver.

I weigh now 55kg! Great. My weight was bit below that. I don't want to look like an anorectic!

This is the 13 I can fly solo, it has got the smallest cockpit weight.

The front of the bus in a launch point, table and chairs are for the tired and old pilots!

I went for a walk today, I climbed over the barbed wire despite the warning.

Inside the bus there is sun lotion for the sunny days! Lots of people forget to bring their own. We don't want sun burned pilots here!!!

Inside the bus there is the track for the flying stuff,  weights, parachutes, cushions, etc.

Bicester Gliding Centre glider.

Same glider parked, 2 tyres on wing tip, it was strong wind today.

In a caravan park there is the red car and a fallen caravan awning. The car has been there for some time as there is a long grass under it.

This comp glider from Lasham landed here today.

So did this open class comp glider RC.